Bhoothanathane Kanumarakanam

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Bhoothanathane Kanumaaraganam(Malayalam)

Translated by
(This soulful Malayalam prayer was taken by me from a book called Stotra Mala, published by Devi Book Stall,Kodungallor)

1.Swamiye kananam , Swamiye Kananam,
Sri Bhootha nadhane kanumaarakanam

I want to see God, I want to see God,
I must able to see Bhoothanadha(Lord of all beings)

2. Swamiye kananam , Swamiye Kananam,
Harihara puthrane Kanumarakanam

I want to see God, I want to see God,
I must be able to see the son of Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu

3.Harihara puthranai Sabari mala vaazhum ,
Sri Bhoothanadhane Kanumarakam.

I must be able to see The Bhootha Nadha,
Who as son of Shiva and Vishnu lives on Sabari mountain

4.Easwara puthranai jathanayeedina,
Sri Bhoothanadhane kanumarakanam

I must be able to see the Bhootha Nadha ,
Who was born as the son of Lord Shiva.

5.Indukaladhara soonuvai mevunna ,
Sundara gahrane kanumarakanam

I must be able to see the god with pretty body,
Who is the son of Lord Shiva who wears the crescent.

6.Uthram thirunalil udbhavicheedunna,
Moorthiyaam ayyane kanamaraganam

I must be able to see the God who is our “Sir”,
Who was born in the star of Uthram.

7. Swamiye kananam , Swamiye Kananam,
Swami padambujadasanayeedenam.

I want to see God, I want to see God,
And I want to become slave to the lotus feet of that God.

8. Swamiye kananam , Swamiye Kananam,
Swami Padambuje cherumarakanam.

I want to see God, I want to see God,
I must be able to merge with the lotus feet of that God.

9.Ananda muthiyaam aayyappane sadaa,
Dhyanichu vaazhthuvaan bhagyamudakanam

I must be lucky to meditate and praise always,
That personification of divine joy.

10.Sarva soubhagya pradhayakan aakunna,
SArvesane sadaa kanumaarakanam.

I must be able to see always that God of all,
Who is the one who can bless us with all types of luck.

11.Kanumarakanam, Kanumarakanam,
Ayyappa Swamiye Kanumarkanam.

I must be able to see , I must be able to see ,
I must be able to see that God Ayyappa.