Colonial Discourse and the Suffering of Indian American Children Book Cover.webp
In this book, we examine the impact on Indian American children from school textbook narratives about Hinduism and ancient India, highlighting their alignment with colonial-racist discourse. This discourse causes psychological effects similar to those caused by racism: shame, inferiority, embarrassment, identity confusion, assimilation, and a detachment from their cultural heritage. The book represents four years of rigorous research and academic peer review, underscoring Hindupedia's dedication to challenging the portrayal of Hindu Dharma in academia.

Hindu-Inspired Organizations

From Hindupedia, the Hindu Encyclopedia

By Himanshu Bhatt


Ananda Church of Self Realization[edit]

This movement was founded by Swami Kriyananda and uses the Kriya Yoga.

Ananda Marga[edit]

This is an organiztion aimed at the togetherness of humanity through worshipping God together from any religiion. The groups is officially known as "Ananda Marga Pracharaka Samgha" (AMPS) meaning "the organization for the propagation of the path of bliss" was founded in Jamalpur, State of Bihar, India in 1955. Its founder is Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar (1921-1990), known Ananda Marga disciples as "Shrii Shrii Anandamurti." Although, Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar was a devotee of Shiva the Ananda Margiis can be devotees of God in any form, including members of any religion.

Harmonious Life[edit]

The founder of this organization, also known as Armoniki Zoe, is Robert Najemy, a disciple of Sai Baba. It teaches Hindu concepts, especially the law of karma.

Its prayers differ from "Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on me" and Hindu prayers too.

It believes that Jesus Christ is an avatar.

AUM Centre[edit]

This groups founder is Sri Chinmoy.

The groups founder has also founded the humanitarian aid organization known as "Oneness-Heart Tears and Smiles".[1]


Founded by Baba Sai Baba of Kerala, India.

Brahma Dharma[edit]

This is an organiztion begun by an ethnic Bodo in in the Assam province. Many of the Bodo, (who were Hindu in majority them) were being converted to Christianity. Then came Guru Brahma and organized the Bodos and resisted conversion. The Brahma Dharma does not believe in divisions amongst humanity that hindey togetherness.

Bhagavan Dharma[edit]

This is an origanization also aimed at the togetherness of humanity and worshiping God together.[2][3]

Chinmoy Mission[edit]

This was founded by Sri Chinmoy Ghose, born in present-day Bangladesh. His followers included members from Christianity as well as Hinduism. One of his followers is the popular Mexican-American pop-singer Santana.

Divine Light Mission[edit]

This movement founded by Guru Maharaj Ji born as Prem Pal Singh Rawat, claims 500,000 members.[4] Today, there are 3,000 members in the USA, with 80 centers. The Divine Times magazine was distributed across 60 countries.


"Eckankar", means "co-worker with God" founded by John Paul Twitchell in 1965, with 50,000 followers, or 3 million. Twitchell suddenly died in 1971 of heart attack, and the leader now is Sri Darwin.

Free Communion Church[edit]

Free John is the founder of the Free Communion Church, which is also known as the Dawn Horse Fellowship and Laughing Man Institute. He is another Westerner who became a guru by studying under Hindu gurus such as Nityananda, Muktananda, Rudrananda, and others.

Hanuman Foundation[edit]

Hanuman Foundation, instigated by Ram Dass, was incorporated in California in 1974 as a tax-exempt non-profit corporation to "promulgate spiritual well-being among members of the society as a whole through education and service, by spiritual training and by publications and recordings, and to promote the study, practice, and teaching of spiritual knowledge." A newsletter and catalog are sent semi-annually describing the activities of Hanuman Foundation, which include the Prison-Ashram Project, Dying Project, Hanuman Tape Library, Ram Dass' lecture tours and retreats, and other tentative projects (Dass, Ram, Be Here Now, 1971).[4]

Himalayan Institute of Yoga Science and Philosophy[edit]

This organization utilized the Raja Yoga.

International Meditation Institute[edit]

This movement was founded by Swami Shyam. It is also known as "Shyamspace".

Krishnamurti Foundation of America[edit]

It was not founded by Krishnamurti, but by the Theosophy leader Annie Besant when she proclaimed on 1907 that Krishnamurti was the reincarnation of Jesus Christ, and the Messiah the world was waiting for... the "Order of the Star of the East" was created, with a periodical, "Herald of the Star"... with 100,000 members.

Mantiram Centre[edit]

This movement was begun by Leda Sandala (Irene Seitanidou) who was also a Theosophy member. This group teaches Yoga.

Oneness University[edit]

This organization was founded by Kalki Bhagavan. He was born in Gudiyatham, Tamil Nadu. He established the group in South Africa.


It was founded by Bhagwan Shri Rajneesh, who is also known as Osho. It has many locations all over the world, and teaches yoga, and Hindu concepts.

Sadhu Vaswani Mission[edit]

This was founded by Sadhu T. L. Vaswani.


Sahaja Sadhana's path's aim is to gather with peoples of all religions and worship God together, whatever may be His/Her form of worship.


Kabir was a disciple of Sage Ramananda, a follower of the Sahaja path. Kabir too preached the non-aligned message to togetherness (although a worshiper of Lord Rama).

There are several typoes of Sikhs, among whom one sect is of the Kabirpanthis. The Kabirpanthis are also many in number in the Indian state of Chhattisgarh.


The Dadu Panth came from Dadu Dayal of western India. He too like Sant Kabir preeches the message of togetherness of worship and non-violence between the religions.

Sahaja Yoga[edit]

This is a system started by Sant Nirmala Devi of Bengal who came from a Christian background but followed her nature and became a great devotee of Ma Durga.

Sant Mat[edit]

This is another Sant Mat of Sahaja path. Its founder is Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj.

Science of Spirituality

The SOS was founded by and has today expanded to many countries and according

Sathya Sai Organisation[edit]

According to the Sathya Sai Organization funded by Hindu sage Sathya Sai Baba, believed to be an avatar of Swami Dattatreya, there are an estimated 1,200 Sathya Sai Baba Centers in 130 countries world-wide.[5]


Savitri Era[edit]

This organization also has traditions of Judaism.

Self-Realization Fellowship[edit]

In 1920 he addressed the International Congress of Religions in the USA. This organization was founded in 1945 by Paramahansa Yogananda. The movement has about 500,000 worldwide members.

This organization utilized the Kriya Yoga.

Shree Gurudev Yoga Siddha Ashram[edit]

Swami Muktananda Paramahansa, founded Yoga Ashram in 1961. Came to America in 1970, and there 300 meditation centers with 100,000 US followers. In America known as "Siddha Yoga Dhan" with headquarters in Oakland, California.

Theosophical Society of India[edit]

The Theosophical Society was first formed in the United States by Madame H.P.Blavatsky, a Russian lady, and Colonel H.S.Olcott, an American military officer. They came to India and were inspired by the Hindu philosophy and Hindu scriptures. They formed the headquarters of Theosophical Society in India in 1886 at Adyar in Madras. The Theosophical Society became very popular in India under Mrs Annie Besant, an Irish lady, who came to India in 1893. She established the central Hindu College at Benaras, which later developed into the Hindu University.

Its leader, referred to as "Bhagavan" is believed to be an avatar of Gold Almighty Himself.

Transcendental Meditation[edit]

This group (Transcendental Meditation) was founded by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi] who was deeply influenced by the Vedas and so tried to revive Vedic ideals.

This movement has formed several "Natural Law" political parties across India and the West.

Institutions of TM exist in many countries including in Europe and North America.

Vedanta Society[edit]

Today, there are 150 Vedanta Society centers in the world; 124 in India, 13 in the USA with 1,500 members, who influenced Aldoux Huxley, Gertrude Stein, and Gerald Heard.

See also[edit]

External resources[edit]