Colonial Discourse and the Suffering of Indian American Children Book Cover.webp
We examine the impact of the current colonial-racist discourse around Hindu Dharma on Indians across the world and prove that this discourse causes psychological effects similar to those caused by racism: shame, inferiority, embarrassment, identity confusion, assimilation, and a detachment from our cultural heritage.

Hanumath Chamathkara Sthuthi

From Hindupedia, the Hindu Encyclopedia

Hanuman Chamathkaaranushtaan
(The ritual for getting the full divine power of Hanuman)

Translated by P.R.Ramachander

(This is a powerful sloka praising Hanuman. Reciting this sloka is extremely beneficial before proceeding to exam, interview, for success in litigations, overcoming negative energies etc. Most of the stanzas address every type of negative force, dhur devata, jealousy, black magic, tantra and every possible malady. This sloka is a powerful kavacha for all types of negative and inimical forces that we encounter. Reciting this sloka on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday is extremely beneficial.

Lord Ganesa and Lord Hanuman's devotees are the only ones who Lord Saturn would studiously avoid.

Get a photo of Lord Hanuman in which his eyes are clearly visible and you can look at the photo eye-to-eye. Look at Lord Hanuman straight in the eye while you recite it.

I got this prayer in Sanskrit from )

1.Om namo bhagawathe Rudra avathara roopaya, Vayu suthaya , Anjani Garbha sambhoothaya , Akhanda Brahmacharya Vrutha palana Thathparaya

Om Salutations to the God who is the form of Rudra, Who was the son of Wind God Vayu, Who was given birth by Anjana, Who was particular in observing penance of celibacy,

2.Dawali krutha jagad trithayaya , jwalad agni Surya koti sama prabhaya , Prakata parakramaya .aakrantha dig mandalaya yaso vithanaya

Who made the heart of the world pure, who shines like billions of raging fire and Sun, Who shows his great valour, Who is ferocious and lives in all directions , who is covered by fame,

Yaso alankruthya, Shobhithananaya, Maha samarthyaya, Maha theja punja virajamanaya, Sri Rama bhakthi thathparaya, , Sri Rama Lakshamana Ananda karanaya,

Who is decorated by fame, Who has a shining form, Who is very clever, Who is well known due to his greatly shining tail, Who is only interested in devotion to Rama, Who is the cause of happiness to Rama and Lakshmana,

Kavi sainya praakaaraya , Sugrreva sakhya karanaya, Sugreeva sahayya karanaya, Brahmasthra brahma Shakthi grasanaya , Lakshmana Shakthi bedha nivaranaya, SAlya visalyoushadhi samanayanaya ,

Who is the chief of the army of monkeys, Who is the cause for the treaty with Sugreeva, Who is the reason for help received from Sugreeva, Who can tolerate Brahmasthra as well as Brahma Shakthi, Who could cure effect of Shakthi which fell on Lakshmana, who brought the medicine to cure the effect of the large arrow,

Balodhitha bhanu mandala grasanaya, Aksha kumaraya chandanaya, , vana rakshaakara samooha vibhanjanaya , Drona parvathothpatanaya , Swami vachana sampatharjuna , SAmuyuga samgramaya , Gambheera sabhodhadhayaya,

Who as a child try to catch the globe of Sun, Who made Akshaya Kumara(son of Ravana) in to a paste , Who broke up the group of people guarding the forest , Who flew up from the Drona mountain, Who obeyed properly the words of his master , Who joined in the group war , Who had a beaming regal voice.

DAkshinesa –marthandaya , meru parvatha peetikarchanaya , Davanala kalagni rudhraya, Samudhra langanaya , Sita aaswasanaya, Sita rakshakaya , Rakshasi sangha vidharanaaya, Asoka vana vidharanaya, Lanka puri dahamaya

Who is the Lord of the south and Sun God, Who sat on the Meru mountain and worshipped, Who is like the raging fire and the very angry Rudhra during deluge, Who crossed the sea , Who consoled Sita , Who protected Sita, Who broke the crowd of Rakshasis, Who scattered the Asoka forest , Who burnt the city of Lanka,

Dasa greva shira krunthakaya, Kumbha karnadhi vadha karanaya, Bali nirvahana karanaya , Megha nadha homa vidhwamsanaya , Indra jit vada karanaya , Sarva shasthra paramgathaya , Sarva graha vinasakaya , SArva jwara haraya, Sarva bhaya nivaranaya, Sarva kashta nivaranaya, SArva aapathi nivaranaya, Sarva dushathdhi nibarhanaya , Sarva shathru chedhanaya, Bhootha pretha pisacha, dakini sakini dwamsakaya, sarva karya sadhakaya, Prani mathra rakshakaya, Rama dhoothaya swaha.

Who made the ten heads of Ravana bend , Who is the cause of the death of Kumbha karna and others, Who was the cause for managing Bali, Who was the one who destroyed the yaga of Indra jit, Who was the cause of death of Indra jit, Who was an expert in all Sasthras, Who destroyed all houses, who cured all fevers, who is the antidote to all fears, Who solved all problems, Who saved us from all dangers, Who punished all bad people , who killed all enemies, Who killed Bhoothas, prethas , ghosts , dakinis and Sakinis, Who could achieve all actions, who saved all beings, and who is the emissary of Rama, Swaha.

2.Om namo hanumathe , rudhravatharaya , viswa roopaya , amitha vikramaya, prakata parakramaya, maha balaya, soorya koti sama prabhaya, Rama dhoothaya swaha.

Om Salutations to Hanuman, who is the incarnation of Rudhra, Who has a mega super form, Who has great valour, who exhibits his valour, Who is greatly strong, Who has equal light as billions of Sun and Moon, Who is the emissary of Rama, swaha.

3.Om namo hanumathe , rudhravatharaya , Rama sevakaya, Rama bhakthi thathparaya, Rama hrudhayaya, Lakshmana Shakthi bedha nivaranaya, Lakshmana rakshakaya , Dushta nibarhanaya , Rama Dhoothaya swaha.

Om Salutations to Hanuman, who is the incarnation of Rudhra, who is the servant of Rama, Who is only interested in devotion to Rama, Who is the heart of Rama, Who saved Lakshmana from the efeect of Shakthi, Who saved Lakshmana, who killed bad people , who is the emissary of Rama.

4.Om namo hanumathe , rudhravatharaya , Sarva shathru samharanaya, sarva roga haraya, sarva vaseekaranya, Rama dhoothya swaha.

Om Salutations to Hanuman, who is the incarnation of Rudhra, who exterminates all enemies, who cures all diseases, who attracts everything , Who is the emissary of Rama, swaha.

5.Om namo hanumathe , rudhravatharaya , aadhyathmikadhi bouthika thapa thraya nivaranata, Rama dhoothya swaha.

Om Salutations to Hanuman, who is the incarnation of Rudhra, who cures the three types of suffering of the body and spirit, Who is the emissary of Rama, swaha.
6.Om namo hanumathe , rudhravatharaya , deva dhanava rishi varadaya. Rama dhoothya swaha

Om Salutations to Hanuman, who is the incarnation of Rudhra, Who takes care of devas, rakshasa and sages, Who is the emissary of Rama, swaha

7.Om namo hanumathe , rudhravatharaya , BHaktha jana mana kalpana kalpa dhrumaya, dushta manoratha prabanjana prana priyays, maha bala parakramaya, maha vipathi nivaranaya, puthra pouthradhana dhanyadhi vividha sampath pradhaya , Rama dhoothya swaha

Om Salutations to Hanuman, who is the incarnation of Rudhra, who is the wish giving plant in the minds of his devotees, Who stops the imaginative thinking of bad people, who likes the soul of the hurricane, Who is strong and valorous, Who saves us from great dangers, Who blesses with sons, grand sons , wealth , grains and different types of wealth, Who is the emissary of Rama, swaha

8.Om namo hanumathe , rudhravatharaya , vajra dehaya , vajra nakhaya, vajra mukhaya, vajra romne, Vajra danthaya, vajra karaya, vajra bhakthaya, Rama dhoothya swaha

Om Salutations to Hanuman, who is the incarnation of Rudhra, who has diamond like body, who has diamond like nails, Who has diamond like mouth, who has diamond hairs, who has diamond like teeth, who is a diamond like devotee, Who is the emissary of Rama, swaha

9.Om namo hanumathe , rudhravatharaya , para yanthra thanthra thrataka nasakaya , sarva jwara chedakaya , sarva vyadhi nikrunthakaya , sarva bhaya prasamanaya , sarva dushta mukha sthambanaya , sarva karya sidhi pradhaya, Rama dhoothya swaha

Om Salutations to Hanuman, who is the incarnation of Rudhra, who is the destroyer of evil effects of manthra, thanthra and concentrated gaze , Who cuts away all sort of fever, Who cures all sorts of diseases, who reduces all fears , Who paralayses the mouth of bad people , Who helps all efforts and actions to be successful , Who is the emissary of Rama, swaha

10.Om namo hanumathe , rudhravatharaya ,, deva dhanava yaksha Rakshasa bhootha , prettha pisacha , dakini, sakini , dusha graha bandhanaya, Rama dhoothya swaha

Om Salutations to Hanuman, who is the incarnation of Rudhra, , who ties devas, rakshasasa, yakshas , asuras , ghosts , dead souls , devils , dakinis, sakinis and evil planets, Who is the emissary of Rama, swaha

11. Om namo hanumathe , rudhravatharaya ,,pancha vadanaya , poorva mukhe sakala shathru samharakaya, Rama dhoothya swaha

Om Salutations to Hanuman, who is the incarnation of Rudhra,, who has five faces and kills all the enemies by his face of the east, Who is the emissary of Rama, swaha

12. Om namo hanumathe , rudhravatharaya , pancha vadanaya , dakshina mukhe karala vadanaya naarasimhaya , sakala bhootha pretha damanaya, Rama dhoothya swaha

Om Salutations to Hanuman, who is the incarnation of Rudhra,, who has five faces , who has the fearful face of Narasimha in the south which subdues all ghosts and dead souls, Who is the emissary of Rama, swaha

13. Om namo hanumathe , rudhravatharaya , pancha vadanaya ,, paschima mukhe , Garudaya , sakala visha nivaranaya , Rama dhoothya swaha

Om Salutations to Hanuman, who is the incarnation of Rudhra,, who has five faces , who has the face of Garuda in the west by which he cures all problems due to poison, Who is the emissary of Rama, swaha

14.Om namo hanumathe , rudhravatharaya , pancha vadanaya , uthara mukhe aadi varahaya , sakala sampath karaya, Rama dhoothya swaha
Om Salutations to Hanuman, who is the incarnation of Rudhra,, who has five faces , who has the face of primeval boar in the north which blesses with all sort of wealth, Who is the emissary of Rama, swaha
15.Om namo hanumathe , rudhravatharaya , pancha vadanaya ,, oordhwa mukhe haya greevaya , sakala jana vaseekaranaya , Rama dhoothya swaha

Om Salutations to Hanuman, who is the incarnation of Rudhra,, who has five faces ,who has the face of Haya greeva(horse) at the top which helps one to attract all people, Who is the emissary of Rama, swaha
16.Om namo hanumathe , rudhravatharaya , sarva grahana , bhootha bhavishya , varthamaanan , sameepa sthana sarva kala drushta , budhin uchadyouchadaya , para balani , kshobhaya kshobhaya , mama sarva karyani sadhaya sadhaya swaha.

Om Salutations to Hanuman, who is the incarnation of Rudhra,chant and chant about all planets, the past, present and future , near by places and the wisdom to see everything beyond time, raise raise the divine strength and fulfill, fulfill al my wishes, swaha.

17.Om namo hanumathe , rudhravatharaya , para krutha yanthra , manthra parahamkara , bhootha pretha pisacha para drushti sarva vighna tharjana chetaka vidhya sarva graha bhayam nivaraya nivaraya swaha.

Om Salutations to Hanuman, who is the incarnation of Rudhra,,please help me to find cures for the yanthras and mantras sent by others, the ghosts and dead souls sent by those egoistic ones, the blockages arising due to evil sight of others , evil knowledge gained and fear of planets, swaha.

18. Om namo hanumathe , rudhravatharaya ,dakini, sakini brahma rakshasa kula pisachoru bhayam nivaraya nivaraya swaha

Om Salutations to Hanuman, who is the incarnation of Rudhra,, cure , cure the fear for dakini, sakini, brahma rakshas , and the clan of ghosts , swaha.

19. Om namo hanumathe , rudhravatharaya , Bhootha jwara , pretha jwara , charthurthika jwara, vishnu jwara mahesa jwara , nivaraya, nivaraya, swaha.

Om Salutations to Hanuman, who is the incarnation of Rudhra,, cure , cure the fever caused by ghosts ., the fever caused by dead souls , the fever caused by the fourth type , fever caused Vishnu, fever caused by Mahesa .

20. Om namo hanumathe , rudhravatharaya , Akshi shoola , paksha shoola , sirobhyanthara shoola , pitha shoola Brahma rakshasa shoola kula vhedanam,,nivaraya nivaraya swaha.

Om Salutations to Hanuman, who is the incarnation of Rudhra,, Cure cure pain in the eye , pain on one side, pain in and out of the head , pain due to phlegm , pain due to Brahama Rakshas

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